Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ass. 5

My schedule:
1. A
rising in the morning:(4:30-5:00)
self preparations including meals/merienda:(5:00-5:30)
school hours time for travel going to school:(5:30-7:00)
length of time staying at school:(7:00-11:30)(7:00-1:00)
doing assignments:(4:00-7:00)
reviewing lessons or advance academic preparations:(7:00-8:30)
sports/ leisure and rest/sleeping:(8:30-10:00)
2. A
The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished is the fish cleaning in our high school.
because at first my mother tell me to clean the fish so I clean it, but suddenly while am cleaning the fish, I wounded my finger, so it my lesson while cleaning the fish. when I was in the school the teacher announce that there will be a fish cleaning contest and in my mind I sad that I will join that game because i have a lesson in cleaning the fish. So I join the contest, at first I was nervous and i tell to my self i can do it. unfortunately i won the game.(B)(learned skills)(^_^)

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